Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Trend Alert: Creative Signs

Signs are all the rage right now in party planning. Clever and witty word play can make anything extra special, even when describing the most mundane of details.

Handwriting and calligraphy-type fonts also make things look handmade, which adds a whole new and personal element to your event regardless of if it's actually your own handwriting.




I don't know if you 'tweet,' I don't but this would be so cool! You 'tweet' sweet nothings to the newlyweds, all using the same hashtag code, and they can go back and read your notes to them at any time! SO COOL!


This is such a different take on your normal wedding ceremony altar. Weathered doors and a personalized sign make this such a unique feature for a wedding.



You're probably getting mad at me because the first few pictures have all been from weddings, but those are not the only ways you can use signs!! Take a look at these precious signs that lined a sidewalk at a summer kick off party!


Are there any Alice in Wonderland fans? Look at this fabulous element used at a Wonderland-themed birthday party!


Food and drink markers, so that your guests know all the options!


There are so many different and cool things you can do with signs. These are just a few ideas to give us the inspiration we need to get started implementing them for any party! 

Let us, here at ACC, know how we can help you plan any and all of your parties!

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